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Monday, October 11, 2010

Rainbows and Storms and Original Thoughts

A friend of mine was going through tough times. I wanted to say something that would comfort him and so I said:

"The most beautiful rainbows come out of the worst storms"
-Liv R.

I guess I was inspired by rainbows for two reasons, first I saw a rainbow about a week ago and I was so thrilled at the fact that my Sabrina will now get the chance to see a real live rainbow and of course it's also because Lea Salonga talked about seeing a rainbow in one of her tweets. So yes, rainbows were on my mind.

Someone loved the quote so much and asked me where I heard it. That was the point when I got so confused. Did I just make that up or did I hear it somewhere? It was so scary not knowing the difference between my original thought and someone else's. It makes me wonder if we ever really have original thoughts or if everything we are, everything we think is just an amalgamation of everything around us.

So I did what a rational human being would do...I google-d it. And I'm happy to announce, that I actually have one original thought.

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